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CJC 341 Professional Exploration 2

CJC 341 Professional Exploration 2

Q CJC 341 Professional Exploration 2: Parole Release You have been appointed to the Parole Board by the governor (good luck!). Your state’s prison system is seriously overcrowded and does not use parole guidelines. Please answer the following questions: 1. What do you consider to be the three most important criteria in making a parole release decision? How will you factor in the victim’s concerns?3. How important are institutional factors, such as participation in programs, good behavior, and staff recommendations, in your decision?4. How will you ensure fairness? 5. Given what we know about who is successful on parole, what kind of policies will you recommend to the governor concerning parole reform?

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The three most important criteria in making a parole release decision would be public safety, offenders are a good risk or bad risk, and finally whether the offender is ready to get involved with the world already. Public safety is important as for that reason offenders are put into prison. Secondly, it’s important to consider that whether offender is worth taking risk. What if he fails in parole? It’s better to send those in parole who would succeed in parole. Lastly, it is important that offender is ready to face the world. In most cases after parole the offender commit a more serious crime. Therefore, it is important to confirm that.